My hair is naturally straight and everytime i try to curl it with a curling iron it wont last for more than an hour or so. Are their any products or different techniques i can use to help the curls last longer?How can i get my hair to curl?
While the hair is wrapped around the curler, Spray the hell out of the hair, Then spray again after you pull the hair from around the curler...Make sure you use a Super hold Hairspray(Like got2be.)How can i get my hair to curl?
Spray it with hairspray right before you curl it, then spray it again when it is on the curling iron, and then spray it again, when it cools. Don't brush the curls, use your fingers to separate the curls. I have the same problem until I started doing this, and my curls will hold all night now. :)
Put a light moose in your hair before you curl. whether your hair is wet and you are blow drying it or if its dry...after your curl it spray with a product called spary wax- you can get it at wall mart it is got 2 be brand