Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to curl your hair with a straightner?

First I straighten my hair, then I want to curl random little pieces, but I hate using my curling iron. I have thick hair.How to curl your hair with a straightner?
Okay it's really simple.

1.First you put your hair in sections and then put some styling gel on it.

2. After that grab a nice piece of your hair and put your hair in between your straightener and close it.

3. Twist your straightener ( just like turn it around ) just once around and pull down.

4. VOILA ! You have curly hair in just 2 seconds :)

Note: If you want more tighter curls then pull slower Donn, if you want looser curls pull faster down. Also use some gel that will protect your hair from the heat of straightener.

PLEASE ! Answer my question: to curl your hair with a straightner?
curl it the same way with your straightener as you would with your curing iron. but use hair spray because since it's straight, the curl will get weighed down.

i hope i made sense to you.

What types of curls?

You can probably find more on YouTube.
search it on youtube
