Friday, November 19, 2010

How to make my hair look like Selena Gomez's with out a curling iron!!?

i love selena gomez with short hair and i have short hair to but i dont have a curling iron so i wanted it to look something like this its the first i really like it but i dont have curly hair or a curling iron any tips??How to make my hair look like Selena Gomez's with out a curling iron!!?
use spiral curling rods!! they are cheap at your local beauty supply or sally's and with like 2 packs you can curl your whole head! Look up the videos on youtube under ';flexi rod spiral curls'; there are several of them on there! You can also use different sizes to create different curls.

All you will need is a little leave in conditioner, wet the hair with that lightly wrap around the rod and roll the rod up then fold them to snap closed. After repeating several times spray all over with an aerosol hair spray and cover your head with a cap and go to bed. As you undo each roller you will see how pretty the curl falls! I love it!

hope this helps! Watch those videos for sure though that will give you a better idea of what to do that my explanation!