My hair is so straight/very thick and it doesnt want to curl at all. I've only curled it successfully once, but it took forever and they fell out after about 6 hours. I have a good quality curling iron. How wet should my hair be? how do I get the curls to form? and how do I get them to stay? I have styling gel and leave in conditioner than I use...could those help? Thank You so much.How to curl naturally super straight hair with a curling iron?
Wash your hair the night before you want to curl it, curls stay in better when your hair isnt as clean. Then use any kind of curling product for striaght hair and spray each strand with hairspray before rolling it up. When your finished spray your whole head again. Curls never stay in really long anyway.
Another thing you could try if you dnt use a culring iron is pin curls. Just twist little pieces of ur hair into circles around your head (srry tryin my best o explain) then pin them to ur head and hairspray. Then sleep in them and you should have tons of curls. it worked for my friend!How to curl naturally super straight hair with a curling iron?
If your hair is that hard to curl than any type of curler or hot roller or braid won't work. You need to get a gold metal curling iron. Any other kind won't be as affective. Then you need to puul up all but the very bottom layer of hair. Make sure to take a small section, smaller than you'll first think, comb it out, and spray it with hairspray. Then curl it. While it is completely curled into the iron, spray it again, then release it and spray one more time. Repeat this across the bottom layer, then pull down the next layer and repeat until your hair is fully curled.
If your hair is naturally straight you can curl it with a flat iron. It works really well and the curls stay longer! If you don't know how to go to youtube and search on how to. There are a ton of videos on how to do so. Hope this works
after you take a shower you can put it in a tight bun after doing so and it dryes take it out when you take it out it should have curles and stuff hope i helped :)
well there are a few things u can do
...sponge rollers
hot rollers
and if u put moose in it then put your hair in a bun and sleep with it over night it should be curly
well, ONE way you can do this is take a shower hhair spray your hair, dry or not dry, then tie it in an veryyyy messyy bun. leeving the hair scrunched up. leave i like that over night or blowdry it while its still in the bun(: workss great with my extremlyy thinn striaght hair.
another thign to do if your wish for it more wavyand scrunched up is to put your hair is TIGHT briad. it might look a little ridiculouse but put your hair in about 4 TIGHT braids. hairspray your hair ALOT while its int he braids then blow dry and they will literally freeze and stay that way(: then wen your hair is dryed up by the hair spray take the braids off and your hair will be wavy and super cute.
p.s. dont wear the braids in
you can also just buy mousse that curls and put some on and keepyour hair in a messy bun(:
these will all make your hair rreallyy prettehh(:
take a shower, crunch up your hair and stick it in a reallyy messy bbuun, go to sleep and watever and wen yu wake up your ahir will be wavy, you can add soem mouse too, bt DONT weigh it down.
braid your hair REALLYY tight......this can workk
evrything works better wiht a little bit of curling mousee (:
i can put videos on youtube if you want