I have been trying to curl my hair with a curl iron for years but it doesn't work! I have hair that is thick/thin, gets knotted easily, and has a little natural wave in it. Please help me.How should I use a hot iron to curl my uncurl able hair?
Use ALOT of hairspray! Spray it when its on the iron and when you remove it from the iron.
Also I recommend trying sponge curlers. It's easier (if you sleep in them or leave them in for 20 minutes) and it looks better.How should I use a hot iron to curl my uncurl able hair?
maybe put it on full blast? ( it might damage ur hair)
I Have The Same Problen
get a really tight spiral perm with an acid base.... it changes the texture of your hair... after it is done growing out you show be able to curl your hair with ease....
First, get a straightener, or blow dry your hair straight. Then, try using the curler. that is what i do.
My hair is uncurlable too. the only way I have ever been able to curl it is with a perm. Honeslty the ONLY WAY I'v ever goten it to curl.
try curling it on the second day after washing it. Clean hair is very hard to curl. Also, take your hair in sections and do small pieces. Spray some hairspray on the pieces that you are curling and hold until the count of ten.
Your best bet is to go to a salon and ask for them to style your hair curly. Watch how they do it, then try at home. And it wouldn't hurt to ask them for advice.
Lol, same with my hair. I put hair spray in mine, just a bit.
try the straightener and curl it that way
here is a video on how to do it.
same here. make sure your hair is dry. brush it out. then curl it on a high-ish heat (i use 10-15) then leave it curling for 30 seconds before you let it out. then right after you curl it spray it with a little hair spray. then once your done, spray the hole thing again. then i usually spray it again every hour or so. then it'll stay in all day =)
hope i could help
You Don't!
A lot of people think a hot iron is better because of, well, the heat.
Use rollers. It's true it's a pain waiting for it to dry, but whenever your hair drys in a certain position, it stays that way longer.
Remember to use plenty of hair spray!
i have the same problem!
hbelow are step-by-steo directions to get your hair like curled!!
this makes your hair look pretty and nice when its straightened!!
hope this helps
You probably should do it with hair that hasn't been washed and maybe a curl activating spray. If you're going to be going somewhere for a while after you curl your hair then you should put them in rollers or pin them up in flat curls with bobby pins. It helps the keep their shape. Hope this helps! :)
Use perm rods. They come in different sizes depending on the curl you want to achieve. Thy this before you resort to a chemical process.
hairspray girl use it
Here watch this it should work
hope it helps
You could just do it with out a curling iron just take a shower ther twist your hair after twisting it put a peice of cloth ,toilet paper, or cut a hair tie but that does not work as well then roll it up to the roots of your hair and tie it then sleep witrhit that way. Hope that helped ( and made some small amount of sence) !!!!
1. Wash your hair the day before and let it air dry. (If your hair is really clean, you'll have less of a chance of getting it to curl and stay).
2. Spray some hairspray in your hair before curling it. (Use aerosol hairspray).
3. Do not start at the bottom of your hair. Take your curling iron and place it a few inches down from your scalp on the piece that you are curling. Curl up and hold for a few seconds, the move down and curl the rest of the piece until you get to the bottom. (This is really hard to explain without showing).
4. Spray with hairspray and gently scrunch up hair with your hand.
5. Spray your whole head when you are done.
I suggest Kenra hairspray. It's works great.
You should leave it to the professionals. Ask your hairdresser. You don't necessarily have to buy their product if their pushing it. Most places and supply stores offer the same product at a less expensive price.
I also learned that if you can afford it, use the same equipment as your hairdresser. I bought a GHD straightener from hairdresser at a great deal and I have been able to create the same style at home.
A good hairdresser will take the time to talk this over with you and explain the various products needed so that you can recreate it at home.
When I'm short on time, I use hot rollers or steam rollers that I wear while I'm getting dressed or peddling around the house trying to get out the door.
The next day, it's easier and I'll have more time to straighten it or do whatever I wanted in the first place.